The Swiss have done it again. They’ve re-invented chocolate.
Chocolate has changed very little throughout its two thousand-year history. It began life as a spicy Aztec beverage and became a European craze in the 16th century but it has always retained its characteristic brown colour. Until now.
Swiss company, Morphotonix, has devised a method of imprinting rainbow holograms on chocolate without using additives.
Holograms are two-dimensional images that resemble three-dimensional objects. Like a real 3D object, holograms appear different depending on the angle of observation. They are often used on credit cards to improve security.
Holograms usually require detailed tweaking of microstructures to achieve the perfect diffraction of light that produces the effect. This becomes somewhat harder when working with food products because their structure is more difficult to control on a small scale.
Morphotonix creates the holograms by etching the design onto metal moulds, transferring this to plastic moulds and then impressing the pattern onto the chocolate. It is a tricky business and doesn’t work with some types of chocolate.
Still, I think Willy Wonka would be very impressed.
Source : Science Alert..
Chocolate has changed very little throughout its two thousand-year history. It began life as a spicy Aztec beverage and became a European craze in the 16th century but it has always retained its characteristic brown colour. Until now.
Swiss company, Morphotonix, has devised a method of imprinting rainbow holograms on chocolate without using additives.
Holograms are two-dimensional images that resemble three-dimensional objects. Like a real 3D object, holograms appear different depending on the angle of observation. They are often used on credit cards to improve security.
Holograms usually require detailed tweaking of microstructures to achieve the perfect diffraction of light that produces the effect. This becomes somewhat harder when working with food products because their structure is more difficult to control on a small scale.
Morphotonix creates the holograms by etching the design onto metal moulds, transferring this to plastic moulds and then impressing the pattern onto the chocolate. It is a tricky business and doesn’t work with some types of chocolate.
Still, I think Willy Wonka would be very impressed.
Source : Science Alert..
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